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March 24, 2016
Disney, Marvel Threaten to Boycott Georgia if "Anti-Gay" Bill -- Also Known as a Religious Liberty Bill, Freeing Bakers from Being Forced to Bake Cakes for Gay Weddings -- Is Passed
This is why I'm boycotting Marvel and Disney.
Is it really worth it to support these companies?
Age of Ultron was bad. Naw dog, don't make excuses. Yeah, the party scene was fun. James Spader was an enjoyably personality-filled robot villain.
And then what followed was noise and stupidity and bad, smudgey cartoon CGI.
I hear Star Wars 7 was just Star Wars 1 with more race and gender balance.
I read about the plot the other day, which I had not previously read about. The new superweapon that has to be destroyed is the "Starkiller," which will cause a star to blow up and therefore blow up the entire star system.
Um, first of all, any star system is unlikely to have more than one habitable planet. There might be some small population mining operations on another planet, but very few systems are going to have more than one planet with any kind of substantial population.
Ergo, this is really just the Death Star, for all practical purposes. This is just like the Death Star blowing up Alderaan, except, in addition, a couple of hundred guys go to the moon colony and shoot up the 150 people living there, too.
Big deal.
Second of all: Hey Guys! Nice originality on this!
This now makes three of seven Star Wars films whose plots revolved around destroying a Death Star, a rebuilt Death Star, or a slightly more powerful Death Star.
You can say four films, if you count the "Central Control Ship That For Some Reason Controls All the Robots" in the awful Phantom Menace.
And seriously -- who the hell really cares about Tony Stark at this point? How many cutesy quips are we going to keep pretending we think are funny?
Oh, he calls Spider-man "Underoos" in the new movie. That's funny, Because Beloved Childhood Reference.
And by the way: Guardians of the Galaxy was stupid and lame. Yeah, let's admit it -- We wanted it to be good. We rooted for it to be good.
But it wasn't good.
Roger Corman and Dino De Laurentiis and other hacks used to make sci-fi junk like this. And sure, people watched it, indifferently.
But no one said "It's great! It's the new Star Wars!"
But slap a "MARVEL" above the title and suddenly stupid nonsense is the greatest thing ever.