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March 02, 2016
Don't Look Now, But The European Union Is Now Calling for... A Wall
Okay, not a wall, exactly. But a new report, the Juncker report, went out today telling all the capitals of Europe that they must move expeditiously to build up the border on the exterior of the European Union, if they wish to keep the Schengen free-circulation-of-people-in-Europe alive.
That is, if you want to keep having no borders within the Union, you need to build up the fences and interdiction efforts at its frontiers.
From LeFig. Translation follows.
You should know that the Germany and France and England, for example, are very keen to increase the border patrols in Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, etc. -- the actual countries where immigrants first land.
Schengen: Brussels sounds the alarm and mobilizes
LE FIGARO NEWS -- In an official document that Le Figaro has been able to famiiarize itself with, the Juncker commission will declare Wednesday an emergency call to the countries of the European Union to save the free circulation [of people and goods] within the Schengen terroritory [the area in which there are no border stops or passport checks[.
The humanitarian disaster which is is forming in Greece will continue maybe as a wake-up call. [Hey, I didn't write the original.] The Juncker commission will call for the mobilization of the 28 capitals of the EU for saving Schengen and expediting in Greece -- as soon as the end of March -- massive reinforcements necessary to regain control of the external borders of the EU.
The emergency call which is also an admission after six months of political fecklessness, is written in black and white in an official document of 14 pages that Le Figaro has been able to consult. It is to be released to the public in the morning. [It already has been so released; I'm writing this up the night before its release.]
The free circulation [of people] is "one of the major achievements of Europe" and is today "unstable at its heart," write the authors. Restoring the good functioning of Schengen is today "a primordial interest for the entire EU."
In five days of a summit, which could complicate sixty years of building [the EU], the commission, supported by Paris and Berlin, wants to speed up the timeline to a critical point: the fielding of a "EuroCorps" of border-patrolmen and a European coast guard. The first international "teams" must begin with their equipment in the islands of the Agean Sea in the first days of April. Under the initial responsibility of Frontex [I assume this is some frontier bureaucracy], without waiting for a political green light.
"It's necessary that each member state take its part in the collective responsibility"
The [legal] validation of this proposal, pushed for months by France and Germany, would be also sped up, with a vote expected in June at the parliament of Strasburg and at the European Council. The new force would be "totally operational in November and thereafter." According to preliminary studies, this European Corps would put into the field permanently the equivalent of 2% of each of nation's current border patrols.
[Wait, this is an emergency wake-up call to divert 2% of each nation's interior border patrols to the exterior?]
The main idea is that if you don't stop the migrants from getting a foothold in Europe, individual member states will continue putting up their own old border stops in order to keep them out. If you don't stop them from getting into Greece, Austria will re-impose border checks to keep them from getting into that country. And thus will Schengen simply end.
Anyway, you can see how racist Americans are by observing the far-less-racist behavior of our more enlightened European cousins.