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February 25, 2016
University of Missouri Curators Vote 4-2 to Fire Melissa Click
I have mixed feelings.
On one hand, I oppose outrage firings, even if someone did something wrong. A person's life and value is more than just a few seconds caught on video, or social media.
On the other hand: It is the left that pushes this regime of Outrage Firing and Scalp Hunting, and they will never tire of the practice so long as it is permitted to be something that applies to their enemies only.
No one ever notices the unfairness of something that is visited only upon their enemies -- but they're damn quick to notice it when it falls upon themselves.
So I guess my mixed feelings lean towards the "Fire the vile woman" side of things.
However, I will say, as I think it is important to say: Given our Brave New World where every bad moment we have is ever more likely to "go viral" and be known around the country, if not the world, is is imperative we begin developing Mental Armor against Outrage and adopt a laissez-faire attitude towards others' viral trespasses. Assuming that we can have this same laissez-faire attitude applied to ourselves.
But until the left agrees to this truce and stops its perpetual outraging and SJW scalp hunting, it is important that the left suffer from it as well, particularly in cases, as we no doubt have here, of someone who is very much in favor of Outrage Firings For Others.
Maybe Melissa Click will learn something from her firing and emerge a more generous individual as regards other people's right to speak and believe freely. I doubt it, but we can at least hope for that.
Counter-Argument: Click should be fired because an angry, rigid dogmatist can simply not fulfill the functions required of an academic.