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February 06, 2016
EMT 2/5/16 The First World edition. [krakatoa]
Edgar Mitchell died yesterday.
I know. The name doesn't ring many bells.
Edgar was the 6th man to ever walk on the moon, forty-five years ago.
Forty-five years. It has been forty since the last time a human being (Harrison Schmitt) has set foot on any rock other than Earth.
Forty years in the past, the first world was the place where miracles of science coupled with indomitable spirit to do the impossible lifted the hopes and dreams of the human race.
Forty years ago, the apolitical scientific method for empirical studies of chemistry, physics & math based on actual data still trumped the politicized sciency-tific madness of psychology & climatology & math based on fabricated data.
Now we spend our resources chasing rainbows and unicorns, and man's sole mission to escape this rock Earth that will otherwise ultimately be our tombstone has been sacrificed to the gods of progressivism.
Because the First World is no longer interested in science, or the survival of the survival of its long-distant progeny.
It is only interested in its own temporal sense of worth, a value derived by how much one tribe can compel another to bow to the first tribe's god.
RIP, Edgar Mitchell. You were one of the very last of the very best of human endeavor.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:00 AM
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