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February 02, 2016
Former German Broadcaster Admits State-Operated News Organization ZDF Takes Marching Orders from the Government
I guess this is sort of a no-brainer, but it's useful to know for certain.
Here's a story I assume ZDF won't be publishing. At a town hall in a town called Bad Schlema, some citizens complained of "harassment" of young schoolgirls by migrants, as those girls passed the hostels and buildings the migrants were housed in.
He asked, what will happen in the summer, when the girls wear less clothing?
The mayor said, "That is simple to solve, just don't walk by those places."
That did not go over well.
This isn't about the migrants, per se. This is about a complete and total failure of the political class in ostensible democracies, in which the ruling class seems committed to ruling against the interests of the people they supposedly represent, and actively -- proudly -- takes a position against them whenever it can.
Sure glad that can't happen in America!