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February 02, 2016
Rush Limbaugh: Rubio is a Full-Throated Conservative, Not Establishment; We Got Reaganites In Two of the Top Three Places
The long-asked question, when would Limbaugh begin advocating against Trump, turns out to be "today."
He also said that Trump lost Iowa because he attacked Cruz "like a liberal Democrat" -- which is, you know, True.
Trump's brand was -- I thought -- to kick the Washington layabouts and con artists in the ass. But half of his attacks on Cruz were of the variety, "He doesn't get along with those layabouts and con artists enough; he can't make Great Deals with those layabouts and con artists, like I can."
This is the problem with a complete lack of ideology. Sure, it frees you up to say some things that need saying, but you're also unmoored from any kind of consistent pattern of thought. The guy who's promising to shake up Washington can't make it his case in chief against another guy that that other guy is going to shake up Washington.
Well yes -- we thought that was you were promising as well, Donald. If you're just going to cut deals with Reid, McConnell, and Pelosi, then what is the Point of You?
I was still hoping for Trump to do better, to get this down to Cruz and Trump. I have questions about both -- I have questions about Cruz's electability, and I have questions about Trump's judgment and commitment to important principles. And his electability.
I'll tell you, though, the last several weeks of watching Donald Trump attack Cruz as insufficiently willing to cut deals with liberal Democrat demagogues has really made me wonder what Trump's actual usefulness is here is.
The attacks on him being a Canadian -- that I ignored as typical I-can-go-as-low-as-can-be-imagined Trumpian nonsense. I could blow that silly crap off.
But what was really bothering me is Trump's conception of the theory of his candidacy as the Do Business With Democrats candidate.
No thanks. We have Marco Rubio for that already.