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« Thread Two: Debate, Counter-Event | Main | Morning Thread (1-29-2016) »
January 28, 2016

Overnight Open Thread (1-28-2016)

Quote of the Day

Kanye West - 侃爷 (kan yé): a transliteration of Kanye. In Beijing dialect, this means someone who brags a lot with no actions to follow it up.

-- from Chinese nicknames for American pop stars

What If The Refugees Are Not Just Ignorant Savages?

Here's what I think is going on: The refugees are acting as they are, not because they see themselves as charity cases, but because they see themselves as conquerors. They know perfectly well that one doesn't defecate in a pool in which people (especially children) are swimming. They're doing it because they are performing the literal equivalent of the expression "I don't give a shit about you." They know you're not supposed to rape women . . . that is, unless those women are the products of conquest, in which case raping them is one of Mohamed's commandments.

It's almost funny seeing Europeans trying politely to teach their conquerors how not to treat those whom they have conquered. I wonder how long it will take before the Europeans figure out that they're no longer in the driver's seat. And then I wonder whether they'll be able or willing to mount a counter-strike, or whether the twelve-hundred year-long Islamic jihad against Europe will finally have succeeded.

Related: "Men of Germany, please, patrol the streets and protect us. Do this for your women and your children."

Also Related: Welcome to the West! A FAQ For Immigrants

Who Owns This Woman?

Well, that's the thing: She owns her. The notion that women have zero say in their lives seems limited to countries that people thoroughly enjoy emigrating from. Not sure if there's a correlation there, but it's just wise to disabuse yourself of the notion that women are chattel. By and large, they cannot be told what to do, and you will not be able to prevent them from watching "Downton Abbey."

You will have to accept that you are not the boss of them. Any other mindset is dated and coincidently ensures you will not be dated. In Western society, it is quite common for women to rise to positions of great prestige and power. In fact, Republicans are working hard to ensure that a woman is elected president of the United States!

My Daughter Has Dishonored Me and Needs to Be Killed. Cool?

Nope! Nope! Listen, we really want a hiccup-free assimilation, so we're glad you asked. Most of us in the West-actually, all of us-are incapable of picturing a scenario where strangling a daughter is an actual option. This bears repeating: Countries that turn a blind eye to filicide seem to be the very same countries people don't want to live in. Coincidence? Who knows, but no. Perhaps this little rhyme can help: To live here in the West, God willing, just say no to honor killing.


The House of Clinton is Dead, Long Live the House of Clinton

Martin O'Malley Supports the Starvation of Non-Workers Plus Thoughts on the Unemployment of Man and Other Animals

Now, obviously, as a pro-death conservative, I'm all for this radical departure from basic societal norms. "No work, no food" sounds like a relatively just system. I don't know that I'd take it quite so far as O'Malley - animals are jerks, for the most part - but hey, sometimes you have to suggest an extreme idea in order to get a more moderate one enacted. That being said, I'm kind of surprised that a nominal liberal like O'Malley wants to emulate the animal kingdom.

'Anne of Green Gables' Gets the Politically Correct Remake Treatment

Anne's issues are contemporary issues: feminism, prejudice, bullying and a desire to belong. The stakes are high and her emotional journey is tumultuous. I'm thrilled to delve deeply into this resonant story, push the boundaries and give it new life.
The CBC confirmed the new approach the series would take; it will "explore new territory" as its characters experience "original adventures." And then there's the fact that Martin Sheen is cast as Matthew Cuthbert. No. Just, no.

...Remaking a classic is no simple affair. It's almost by nature a doomed enterprise. Can you imagine if a producer announced he was going to take another stab at The Godfather? They'd be laughed out of Hollywood. The 1985 production of Anne of Green Gables was, effectively, The Godfather for the female sex. It's untouchable, and not replicable. Like the novels it is based on, the original screen version became a classic in its own rite.

If there was ever one thing that could drive Mrs. Maetenloch into cutting a bitch, it's mucking around with Anne of Green Gables.


[And speaking of Mrs. M this weekend I was asking her how come she was still using an old crappy charger when we had several new ones - and without skipping a beat she immediately rolled into a Milton-I-just-want-my-Swingline routine. Which is reason #119 I married her. What's extra impressive is that English is not her native language and she's only seen office Space once and that was years ago.]

[And a bit of Swingline trivia: Did You Know That Red Swingline Staplers Didn't Actually Exist Until After Office Space Came Out?]

Rhodes Must Not Fall

In which L. Gordon Crovitz argues that the Oxford students wanting Cecil Rhodes' statue torn down and his name scrubbed from the university are ignorant of the man and the context of the times:

The Cape Colony under Rhodes was liberal for its day. Africans could vote if they met the same property-holding or income requirements as whites. Rhodes might have bent too far to placate the Boers, the Dutch settlers whose support he needed to rule the colony. But at the end of his political career, Rhodes opposed a Boer plan to submit Africans to a literacy test before they could vote. Only after Rhodes left office did the Boers establish apartheid as official policy.

When Rhodes created his scholarship in 1902, he included a clause far ahead of its time. His will specifies that no student will be "qualified or disqualified on account of his race or religious opinions."

The first black Rhodes Scholar, Alain Locke, was elected in 1907. Locke's American peers shunned him; some threatened to resign their scholarships in protest. An official history of the scholarship explains why the Rhodes trustees rejected the complaints: "There was plenty of 'color' in the British Empire," they said, and no one "was going to be debarred from a Rhodes scholarship on that ground." Locke became a leading writer and scholar.

Instead of trying to erase Rhodes, Nelson Mandela embraced him. In 2002 the South African statesman posed for a photo in Cape Town beside a portrait of Rhodes. Mandela wagged a finger at him and said: "Cecil, now you and I are going to work together." The Mandela-Rhodes Foundation funds education for Africans. "Combining our name with that of Cecil Rhodes in this initiative is to sign the closing of the circle and the coming together of two strands of our history," Mandela said.

Guesses for the Over/Under Until Africa Begins Sending Christian Missionaries to England?

Nevertheless, the discrepancy between the main Anglican churches in Western countries and those in Africa (now the demographic center of the Anglican Communion) is instructive. The Church of England has 44 dioceses with 26 million official members, 1.2 million "realistic" ones. The Episcopal Church in the U.S. has 111 dioceses with 2.4 million official members, 800,000 "realistic" ones. Nigeria and Uganda are the largest churches in Africa, the website does not differentiate between the two categories of members; be this as it may, in Nigeria there are over 100 dioceses with over 17 million members, in Uganda 32 dioceses with over 9 million members. It's clear who has the numbers. Needless to say, the financial resources of the Western churches are much superior to the African ones.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has been trying hard to avoid an outright schism. A recent event, which he himself caused for this end, has made his task more difficult. The leaders of African Anglicans, along with those in other non-Western countries, have been particularly shocked as the Episcopal Church in the U.S. sequentially consecrated an openly gay bishop, then ordained gay and lesbian priests, and most recently authorized priests to conduct same-sex weddings.
But the new African elites who celebrated the end of the Victorian Raj had been successfully indoctrinated with Victorian morals-and those turned out to be very functional to poor people trying to get out of poverty (if you will, the Max Weber effect), even if the elite (like elites everywhere) only paid lip service to moral principles while enjoying the hedonism supported by the privileges of power. But Anglican bishops are not part of the elites in Africa: When they uphold good Protestant values, in the best Evangelical tradition, this is no mere lip service-they really mean it! And so the Archbishop of Uganda may by 2019 excommunicate the Archbishop of Canterbury!


PJ Media to Glenn Greenwald and Pierre Omidyar: You Must Retract and Apologize for Smearing PJ Media, Misleading The Intercept's Readers

Last fall PJ Media's Patrick Poole reported that US citizen and No Fly List = Islamophobia poster boy, Saadiq Long, was arrested in Turkey during a raid on an ISIS cell. Glenn Greenwald was outraged by this and wrote a multi-thousand word screed calling Poole a liar, rebutting claims that Poole never made in his story, and asserting that Long had in fact never been arrested in Turkey. But then last week the US DOJ dropped a turd bomb of truth all over Glenn's claims.

Made-Up Nonsense or 'Best Quote' From Davos? Take The Quiz


The Ultimate List of Hobbies for Men: 75+ Ideas For Your Free Time

The Beautiful Perfection of F1 Pit Stop Ballet

Terry McAuliffe Surrenders, Restores Concealed Carry Reciprocity in Virginia

Barbie Bandit Caught in Argentina


Sisterhood Is Powerful....Unless You're Ovulating

Celebs You Didn't Know Were Transgender

By which they mean people you've never heard of or celebrities who are only famous for being tranny. Also Donald Trump makes an appearance. </clickbait> :-)


Man With Two Penises Is Also Into Rosebudding

Okay I learned things I really wish I hadn't reading this article. And so will you if you click the link. I present it here solely as a blog Gom Jabbar test to see who can override their animal nature.

The Group knows your sins but doesn't care.

Tonight's post brought to you by not to be used except in emergencies:


Notice: Posted by implicit permission of AceCorp LLC. Tips are for fagz. Well unless they're like really juicy. In that case you can use the tip fax line.

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posted by Maetenloch at 11:18 PM

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