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AoSHQ Podcast No. 130: #AgainstTrump »
January 22, 2016
Donald Trump: You Should Vote For Me Because, Unlike Cruz, I Can Make Deals With the Democrats; "You've Got to Be a Little Bit Establishment"
Donald Trump is that guy on Survivor who has made mutually-conflicting promises of alliances with everyone in the game.
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said Thursday there's nothing wrong with a little deal-making to get things done.
"You know what? There's a point at which: Let's get to be a little establishment," Trump told about 1,500 people at a rally at the Las Vegas South Point Resort and Casino. "We've got to get things done folks, OK? Believe me, don't worry. We're going to make such great deals."
"Guys like Ted Cruz will never make a deal because he's a strident guy," Trump said.
Trump, who has been all over the map on every issue, is now all over the map on the central argument of his candidacy.
Cruz is too strident? We have to make deals with Democrats?
Hey asshole, we have eight other candidates who agree and they're not crazy.
Incidentally, the establishment really is cottoning to Trump -- because they see him as a better alternative than the real threat to the Establishment, Ted Cruz.