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January 07, 2016
A Perfect Thread to Chat In While You're Not Watching Obama's "Town Hall" With Hand-Picked Invite-Only Political Plants
I plan on watching like, 0-2 minutes of this.
We'll talk about it on the podcast but I doubt anyone will watch more than 0-2 minutes. We'll speculate about the sorts of things we guess they might have said.
And the "town hall" is nothing of the sort -- it's a staged propaganda session in which Anderson Cooper is an eager participant.
There are no tickets available to people who are not specifically invited to the event.
"This is an invitation-only event. No tickets are available," the memo states. "The event is not open to the public."
That's not a town hall, that's a Potemkin Village Meet-and-Greet.
The coordinated Obama/CNN propaganda pageant begins at 8pm Eastern.
On Twitter, some question why CNN hasn't invited anyone who's ever used a gun to save his own life -- like, for example, former CNN reporters Chuck de Caro and Lynne Russell, who fended off an attack in their hotel last year with a gun.
Maybe CNN forgot what their phone numbers are. Or that they exist.