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January 06, 2016
Should Melissa Click, Useless Professor of Watchin' TV Who Called for "Muscle" to Silence Reporter, Be Fired From Her Make-Work Job at Mizzou?
Why yes, she should be.
I would prefer it, actually, if we were not living in the sort of world in which people were routinely fired or hounded out of college for their speech.
But that is not the world we live in -- thanks to people like Melissa Click, vicious, lunatic totalitarians who are militant, zealous religious maniacs for their bizarre cult.
Given the rule we live under -- thanks to people like Melissa Click -- that anyone offending a Community Sacred Totem must be exiled from the tribe, then, per the rule of Melissa Click, she must be fired.
Free speech is my Sacred Cult Dogma. So you've aggressed against me and made me feel "Unsafe."
And therefore, you must go.
Otherwise, I am living in a world in which your cult beliefs have somehow been incorporated into the text of the Constitution, with nary a vote, not even a proposal, and my beliefs have been deemed officially fringe and minor.
I refuse.
It is terrible to live under these rules in which anyone, right or left, can be fired from their jobs for upsetting their feelings.
But, and this is critical:
It is infinitely worse if only those persons accused of upsetting a Tribal Fetish of the Left, and only the Left, are shot out of their jobs.
They must be forced to wear the hairshirts and stocks they themselves made for everyone.
We will have One Rule for All, or we will not have any Rules at all.
No one will willingly accept his status as a second-class citizen -- at least not without an armed struggle.
Alternately: This might be a more winning strategy:
The MO GOP can demand two things, alternatively, as Mizzou prefers:
1. That Melissa Click be fired.
2. That Mizzou construct a strong protection for Free Speech, and vow to never discipline anyone for exercising their free speech again.
Here's the caveat: If they are found to be disregarding this policy -- that is, that they are giving Click the benefits of free speech, but not students or non-progressive professors, then Click goes back to being fired.
In other words: You can keep Click, or you can keep the SJW Reign of Terror, but we'll all be damned before we let you keep both.
Either we shall all have free speech, or we shall all live by the cruel, vindictive shackles we all get to throw on each other.
The left will not be the only ones to be free, nor the only ones who get to shackle and punish others.