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December 19, 2015
A Car Post - Niedermeyer's Dead Horse
It's been a while since we've talked cars. We should do it more often.
The weather is finally getting chilly, even in Florida. Please be responsible.
Opinions may vary
If you haven't yet caught Jay Leno's show on CNBC, Jay Leno's Garage, you really should because it is terrific. I know. I know... CNBC but, trust me. It's terrific. Even his Twitter TL is fun. Go check it out.
Oh to stumble into the right barn.
This week's #OutAndAbout photo
And, of course, the girls...
Girls love Jeeps so you'd think finding a photo of a girl who loves a Jeep would be easy, but you'd be wrong. It seems that it's quite the thing these days to stage muddy Jeep scenes then drop a scantily clad, high-heel-wearing chick into the middle of it and stage it as if she's been driving the thing.
This ain't that chick.
And for the 'ettes
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
04:25 PM
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