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December 19, 2015
EMT 12/19/15 [krakatoa]
In light of the latest federal budget debacle, a parable for our times:
So last Saturday while visiting the Mom, the Wife lost track of the Dogs while tending the Baby.
So of course, the Dogs, being stupid and myopically self-centered and having every bit of the foresight of those charged with steering the ship of state, decided that nothing could be better than a run through the 20 acre woods in search of good sniffs. And on through the next several hundred acres as well, willy-nilly, ignoring or deaf to our calls to return to safer environs.
As the hours turned into days, in the back of my mind I entertained thoughts they were somehow headed south towards the homestead; driven by some unerring sense of Disney direction, or at least by the scheissemagneto sensors that RD referred us to the other day on the sidebar.
Alas, apparently these Dogs, unlike my last one that was wicked smart (so much so the Wife commanded we never get another of that trouble-making mix), were not only incapable of retracing their steps to my mother's, but they also decided the best direction to head in the middle of December was North.
The call finally came in that the Dogs were spotted in a rancher's field on Wednesday, and I went to get them, some 10 miles from where the adventure began.
The old-timer running the ranch pointed me up yonder mountain, at the edge of the woods, and so, after much stress, frustration and irritation, at last the Dogs were safely in my car. Still stupid. Still likely to go off and do something the exact opposite of what you would expect, much less like. Covered in cow shit and acting like nothing could smell sweeter.
Of course, they are dogs. So they can be excused their flights from reason.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:00 AM
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