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December 08, 2015
Mark Krikorian: Here's What a Grown-Up Would Say About Trump's Blustery Carnival Barking
Digest at Hot Air, full article (very much worth reading) at NRO.
[I]f we just keep doing what we�re doing now, we can't expect a different result. Trump's sweeping call to stop all Muslim travel to the U.S. will resonate with people rightly frustrated with our rulers' insouciant approach to the threat we face. Rather than simply point in outrage at Trump's crude prescription, responsible policymakers should offer a grown-up alternative.
At a minimum, Krikorian suggests we undo the State Department policy of never asking immigrants and asylum seekers about their ideology and beliefs. Note this is not "religion" per se: This is about things like if the person seeking entry into the US believes that people should be allowed to worship, or not worship, or respect, or insult, a religion, as they choose.
The fact that this policy, in place since 1990, survived the Bush Presidency, and is now some kind of Sacred Rock which can't be touched, is insane, scandalous, and further proof that the Wall Street Journal should not be allowed to direct this nation's foreign policy.
(It just occurred to me: this was put in place by one Bush and then continued on, insanely, after 9/11, by another Bush.)