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December 08, 2015
Typical White Person: Social Justice Warrior Shaun King Deletes Thousands of Pro-Gun Tweets After They're Discovered to Conflict With His New, NYDN Approved Anti-Gun Stance
He's working for the ferociously anti-gun New York Daily News, now, and a Social Justice Warrior cannot have a single divergent opinion from the Social Justice Warrior Collective.
So after people began discovering all his previous Gun Love, he began deleting his prior statements from the record.
King... asserted over the weekend that white men who like guns are compensating for "small penises" and "low sex drive."
Well I've never heard that before. I can see why the NYDN felt compelled to grab up on this Great White Hope before someone else did.
Internet sleuths found other tweets in which King sounds much like what he now criticizes. In one tweet King purportedly sent, he said that having a 9mm Ruger “hand cannon” next to his bed makes him "feel pretty safe." In another, he said that he owned a 9mm with "hollow point bullets."
"When I’m out with it, damn near nothing scares me," he purportedly wrote.
But the Pallid Pundit wasn't done yet -- using his White Privilege to speak about himself in the third person, King responded to Milo Yiannopolous' enquiries about this by writing what Milo calls the greatest email any journalist has ever received.
– Can you confirm that you are mass-deleting tweets?
Tens of thousands of people all over the world deleted just 2-3 tweets a piece over the past few days.
– Are you using an automated tool or is your "administrative team" achieving this feat manually?
It's all manual. We gave out Shaun’s Twitter password to the volunteers and asked them to all do it by the end of the day today. They were from 150 countries combined.
– Why are you deleting your tweets? Is it because you were embarrassed about your past statements on firearms coming to light?
When Shaun realized you were strangely obsessed with him, he had no idea you’d comb through his tweets. Once it got really creepy for Shaun and his family that you seemed to love and hate, worship and despise him, Shaun’s admin team decided that you were too dangerous. Legal counsel at several British media companies told us that they thought you had actual psychological challenges/disorders.
Shaun King then goes on to speak more about phalluses and white fear of black sexual potency (a fear the Pasty Provocateur seems to feel keenly, himself), and, oddly, the racial symbolism in "the game of pool" (white ball herding up the colored balls -- seriously).