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September 19, 2015
Saturday Politics Thread: Genocide [Y-not]
Please use this thread for politics and the thread below for mirth and merriment.
Most of you know that the media and Democrat machine (BIRM) have been studiously ignoring the Center for Medical Progress' undercover videos of the ghoulish (and it appears criminal) practices at Planned Parenthood. That changed last week with Carly Fiorina's highly effective attacks on same.
Now the media have switched from ignoring the existence of these videos, to dismissing them or outright lying about what they show. A sample below:
That tweet was in response to Mollie Hemingway's (Y-not: Typo fixed) tweet showing a clip of an aborted child who was born alive and allowed to die. (I thought Mollie's response was perfect.) I won't embed the tweet and clip, but I urge you to watch it. Ms. Hemingway (Y-not: Typo fixed) has a piece about the media's denials over at The Federalist.
Coincidentally, I happened to watch the World At War's episode, "Genocide," yesterday. In it they describe how the Nazis harvested glasses, prosthetic limbs, gold fillings and even human fat from the people they murdered.
This image from the documentary reminded me of the pictures we've seen of baby parts "harvested" by Planned Parenthood.
Can someone explain to me the difference between what the Nazis and their apologists did and what Planned Parenthood and its enablers are doing today?
**UPDATE: Excellent comment from Lizzy:
25 What I like about Carly is that she is really good about separating this from abortion --- she makes it clear this is about what they are doing to breathing human beings. The PP types love to brush this off as a mother's choice as a way to ignore that there's another human being involved.
Here's a 10 min debate with a creepy EMILY's List gal from a while back (starts ~4 min mark).
SHe is fabulous - will not back down, will not buy the euphemisms, etc.
Here's the video she linked:

posted by Open Blogger at
09:26 AM
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