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September 08, 2015
Democrats Whip 41 Votes In Favor of Iran "Deal;" May Filibuster Any Vote Against It
They might filibuster in order to avoid having other Democrats be forced to take a position on an issue that divides their Jewish constituents from their BDS constituents. (To be honest, this is why I think McConnell wants to keep the filibuster; he wants to protect squishier Republicans from tough votes.)
The upshot, were that to happen, is that there would be no actual vote on the Iran deal in the Senate at all. The filibuster would be a vote on cloture on the issue, but not on the deal itself. So, Jon Podhoretz notes, rather than having the vote in the Senate requiring a 2/3rds majority, as the Constitution requires, we will instead have no vote at all. It will pass into law without any actual Senate vote at all.
Pretty much Failure Theater from here on out.