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Overnight Open Thread (8-31-2015) »
August 31, 2015
Hillary's Emails Hosted on Same Server as Clinton Foundation Emails?
I don't really know how this works so I'll just go "hmmm" after everything to seem like I'm Informed and Engaged.
Hillary’s clintonemail.com server and the Foundation-run presidentclinton.com email server have exactly the same IP address, and the same SSL certificate (which an organization purchases for an email server to verify its trustworthiness).
mail.clintonemail.com and mail.presidentclinton.com both have an IP address of, according to an SSL Certificate Checker.
The fact that both of these email servers have the same IP address means that they were operating on the same network, and sharing physical space. A computer expert tells Breitbart News that the servers were probably operating on the same machine. It is also possible that they were operating on different machines on the same network, which still means that the machines would have to be close enough to exist in the same physical location.
People are speculating (not in that Breitbart article) that it seems possible that a hacker could hack a lower-security email account on the Clinton Foundation system and then use that exploit* to hack Hillary's email.
* I hear hackers using this word and always wanted to use it. I have no idea if anything I said makes sense.