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Overnight Open Thread (8-13-2015) - Fleeing the Scene Edition »
August 13, 2015
Is America Breaking Up Into Four Parties?
I don't think it is, at least not long term, because the system is designed (unintentionally, but it worked out this way) such that there can only be an In Party, a party currently in power, and an Out Party, a collection of all factions not part of the In Party who desire to displace it.
I read a great book on that, on the structure of American politics. Wish I could remember the title.
However, we also know that at political crisis points, parties break up and split for a while, until new 2-party reconfigurations emerge.
I do believe we're headed in that direction -- unfortunately, not 4-party right away; the Democrats will stick together for a couple of cycles. We'll go 3 party first, and the Democrats will hold the White House for a long time.
But then we'll see.
Open Thread.