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August 01, 2015
Driver Download Websites
AboutTech: 10 Driver Download Websites Reviewed.
I looked for this article because of my recent computer problems. I almost, almost clicked on a driver download place called DriverInstaller.com. That site didn't even make the list. So, one more word to the wise: When you're on the internet, don't click on anything. Ever. Actually, the word is, check things out first. DriverInstaller might be a fine place, but I don't know, and if it doesn't even rank as a reputable site on that list, well, see ya.
Here is a site that is proving to be very helpful on computer issues: How-To Geek. Nice, step-by-step instructions on just about any topic without pushing you to download anything. And speaking of driver downloads, they had a thing or two to say about downloading driver utilities: never download driver utilities. I did this with Greasy-Fast Pig about three weeks ago. So, a little late for me, but good to know now. Another vector from which I could've picked up hellware.
That's why How-To Geek is good. Nice, straight-forward answers, and they seem to be ethical and very consumer-oriented.
One more thing for commenter "AllenG": I think How-To Geek is Waldo's day job. Check out the geek. This is where he earns the money to go to all those exotic places. So, there's that, brah.
posted by rdbrewer at
08:33 AM
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