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July 06, 2015
Lefist Media: Why, We Simply Cannot Abide the Lack of Optimism and Patriotism in the GOP
Now that America has been Fundamentally Transformed (TM), the leftist media likes it more, and now demands to know: Why do all these Republican sour-pusses hate America?
It's a funny question-- funny, because it could have been asked of the Democrat Party since 1968, which has taken a very dark and critical view of America for almost 50 years now.
The front-runner Democrat candidate once specified, when asked if she pledged allegiance to America: "I pledge allegiance to the America that can be," which is like telling your wife you love the woman she could be, if she lost 30 pounds and got her breasts enhanced.
The wife of the anti-American president proudly proclaimed that she had never been proud, at all, of America as an adult until the country drunkenly made her socialist husband the Democrat nominee.
Barack Obama explained, before then, that he might struggle getting the nomination, because Americans were "bitter clingers" who were Life's Losers but then clung to their silly superstitions about God, and their racism, and of course their Racist Guns.
Eric Holder branded the country a "nation of cowards" on race.
The media never found fault with these statements. They knew they could alienate voters, so they downplayed them.
Madeleine Albright, John Edwards, John Kerry, Al Gore and Howard Dean all flirted with one or several variations of Trutherism -- Albright believing Osama bin Ladin had been in prison for years, and would be trotted out to help Bush in an election; Edwards and Kerry calling questions about the Truther theory of 9/11 "interesting" and worth asking questions about; Al Gore and Howard Dean both screaming that Bush had lied us into war, and maybe knew more than he was letting on about 9/11.
Among Obama's trusted friends -- the man who secretly ghost-edited/wrote his book, the evidence says -- is an unrepentant bomber who schemed to kill American soldiers at a dance, and whose associates shot cops, prosecutors, and judges.
Barack Obama's preacher and "spiritual advisor," the one who married him to that crony-socialist cow Michelle, praised the 9/11 attacks on America, saying "God damn America" and gloating that the "chickens have come home to roost."
For fifty years, the left -- the Democrats, the media, one in the same -- have mounted an ugly attack on America, a sustained "critique" of all her non-leftist institutions.
Now the right is taking a darker view of America, given its current Soft Enthusiasm for fascism.
And now the media asks -- no seriously, only now it asks -- what is wrong with a party which can't be Happy about what a great country America is?
Oh, and fuck Joe Scarborough, who combines the honesty of a politician with the depth of thought of a talk-show host.
Bonus: The media's pre-Obama view of America -- "Is everything spinning out of control?"
Zombie Says:
You see, when leftists burned the American flag at every single protest between 1965 and 2009, they were only keeping it warm because they loved the flag and what it represented so much.
Poor cold flag! We love you, so we burn you!