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July 06, 2015
Oregon's Fascist Gag Order on Sweet Cakes by Melissa
Amy Otto discusses it at the Federalist.
After bankrupting this business and driving it out of business, the Gay Fascism Movement in Oregon isn't quite done with Sweet Cakes by Melissa yet.
"This case is not about a wedding cake or a marriage," Avakian wrote. "It is about a business's refusal to serve someone because of their sexual orientation. Under Oregon law, that is illegal."
In the ruling, Avakian placed an effective gag order on the Kleins, ordering them to "cease and desist" from speaking publicly about not wanting to bake cakes for same-sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs.
Do you know why Avakian did this?
It's because other victims of the Gay Fascism Movement have gotten some amount of public support -- donations, business -- to help them out in their battle against the Gay Fascism Movement.
So Avakian has decreed: Your First Amendment rights to advertise yourself and play for public sympathy are herewith abolished.
While Sweet Mellissa's was driven out of business, they have started an internet-based bakery.
Look at their homepage -- I assume this homepage is written in such a way as to comply with Avakian's lawlesss order. They have a pair of wedding rings at the top of the page -- but they do not say why they are selling baked goods online, as opposed to the normal method of doing so.
They allude to it here:
We here at Sweet Cakes strongly believe that when a man and woman come together to be joined as one, it is truly one of the most special days of their lives, we feel truely honored when we are chosen to do the cake for your special day.
But they can't quite say it -- not without going to jail or suffering another huge fine.
Avakian doesn't want them talking about that. He doesn't want Christian sympathizers to buy cakes from them, and thereby diminish their state-ordered pain.
He is determined that the state of Oregon shall beggar them and they shall remain beggared -- so they don't get to talk about their principled refusal to bake cakes for gay weddings, nor solicit business on that basis.
This is, obviously, anti-American and vengefully Stalinist.
But this is the New Order, isn't it?
Oh by the way the proprietors of Sweet Cakes "mentally raped" the Gay Fascist couple.