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June 24, 2015
War: Boehner Moving Against Conservatives Who Oppose His Chummy Relationship With Obama
The GOP leadership has found a hill to die on...Obama's legacy enhancing trade authority.
Yes, free trade is generally a Republican and conservative policy goal but it's never a big winner with voters. But this time with Obama, Boehner and McConnell leading the charge Republicans are far more skeptical of big deals with unforeseeable consequences than usual.
Usually conservatives are told they can't have their priorities because they don't poll well. It seems that's not an issue when the GOP leadership class really, really wants something.
In fact, Boehner is now retaliating against conservatives who opposed him on the Trade Promotion Authority rule.
After stripping Mark Meadows of his sub-committee chairmanship Boehner is now going after Ken Buck's leadership role as President of the Freshman Class. As Erick Ericson points out, Buck's played played the good solider in stepping aside for Corey Gardner lastyear in the Colorado Senate race. Now Boehner is punishing him by taking away something he didn't give him in the first place.
It does not matter to the House GOP Leadership though. They are rushing a meeting in the next 24 hours. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) 31% and Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA) 58%, who are the go to freshman congresswoman for Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) N/A% and leadership, has set the meeting for at 8:30 am tomorrow in room HC-8.
The email from Reps. Elise Stefanik and Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA) 58% would not specify what the meeting is for, but everybody already knows. Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) N/A% has demanded they strip Buck of his position or else.
Via former co-blogger Jack M.
The numbers in that quote are their Heritage Action scores. Buck's is 99% and Meadows' is 87%, so you can guess who Boehner supports more.
Funny how moderates never get punished for voting with Democrats on things like Sandy pork or funding Obama's amnesty. It's just conservatives who are punished for representing their voters.
But hey at least Boehner has some new friends to show for screwing conservatives over.
Funny but I don't recall cuddling up to Obama being part of the GOP's sales pitch last year.
Oh and wait until the same people who are selling "Free Trade Uber Alles" allow the Ex-Im Bank to be reauthorized instead of doing nothing and letting that FDR era bit of statism just die.
Update [ace]: So you probably know what I'm going to say.
This is gut-check time: Are conservatives actually the rebels and revolutionaries they play on the Internet, or are they just grumblers who pitch a bitch at Prince John but then meekly accept each of his edicts?
If you think Something Should Be Done, then Do Something.

posted by DrewM. at
11:58 AM
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