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June 23, 2015
Fed Up Conservatives Plot Measures Against Boehner
What happened is that Mark Meadows became the latest House member punished by Boehner -- well, Boehner says he had nothing to do with it, and if you believe that, your name is Darin LaHood -- for crossing the John Boehner/Karl Rove Suburban Shopping Mall style of Republican politics, specifically by voting against the Establishment on a procedural vote on TPP. (That passed today, by the way.)
So he had to be purged.
You may be their voters, but you're not their constituency..
Dozens of members of the House GOP's most conservative faction plan to meet Tuesday to discuss ways to counteract the decision of House Speaker John Boehner and other leaders to seek retribution against members who vote against must-pass measures.
The House Freedom Caucus, a GOP group made up of about 40 of the most conservative members, plans to hold the discussion some time after Tuesday's evening votes, according to lawmakers familiar with the initiative.
Freedom Caucus Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said Monday in a radio interview that many conservatives were "fed up" with the string of punishment meted out to members who don't vote in line with the Republican leadership on key legislation.
The latest punishment was handed down to Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., for voting against an important procedural resolution to advance "Fast Track" trade legislation the GOP is eager to pass. Meadows last week was stripped of his chairmanship of the House Oversight Government Operations subcommittee.
"So, Mark Meadows, a good man, a good friend, and what they did to him is exactly wrong, and there are a number of us who are fed up with it," Jordan said on the Laura Ingraham show. "And we are looking for ways that we can say, hey, we are going to stay with Mark and be as helpful as we possibly can."
Just last week, Reps. Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Steve Pearce of New Mexico, and Trent Franks of Arizona, lost their posts on the Republican whip team for voting along with Meadows against advancing the trade legislation.
The idea they're kicking around is slowing down legislation to a crawl.
So this is where I get distressed:
A lot of conservatives claim to be, quote, outraged by this, but then don't do anything.
We grumble. We post Angry Comments on blogs on Twitter.
And then we roll over and just take it. We just take it, and take it, and take it.
And the Establishment knows this about us. They know we are Paper Tigers. We know we are big mouths and blow hards who don't actually do anything.
And this is how they win. They win, because despite what we say, we actually don't mind them being in control of us.
IF we did mind, we'd actually take actual tangible action against them.
But we don't.
We just comment, comment, comment. Rant, rant, rant.
Mike Flynn is running against John Boehner. Darin LaHood is running beside John Boehner, carrying his water.
And yet the conservative voices, who get so angry on the radio and in comments areas, are just pretending this race isn't happening.
It is. Mike Flynn is a good man who is against the Establishment in his very bones, and he needs your help.