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June 16, 2015
SMOD 2016 Re-Launches Campaign With Near-Miss On Earth
SMOD refused to answer reporters questions, saying they'll be time for questions later, After the Worldfires Cleanse the Earth of Wicked Carbonoids.

SMOD, aka Asteroid Icarus, and its 20,000 children/ice-calves,
also called the Heralds of Armaggeddon
Asteroid Icarus, the kilometre-long spacerock named after the Greek mythological character that flew too close to the sun, will skim past the Earth on Tuesday night making a rare "distant pass" of five million miles.
According to Nasa, the asteroid 1566 Icarus will safely pass by the Earth at more than 21 lunar distances, which is 21 times the distance between form the Earth to the moon.
The next time the rock is set to approach the Earth at this kind of close distance will not be until 2090, when it will skim past marginally closer at 17 lunar distances.
Wait, this isn't the real SMOD. This is some flashy Johnny-Come-Lately hoping to get some Reality TV buzz.
Oh well.
Icarus says his impact in the race is going to be "uuuuge."