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June 15, 2015
Senator Bob Corker Pens a Terrific Act II of Failure Theater As He Attacks The Iran Treaty That He Has Already Voted to Pass
Or, rather, he has already voted that the treaty will pass even if he votes against it; he has created a mechanism by which the Democrats can pass it with a measly 34 votes, a Majority of One Third, while all Republicans pretend like the Dickens to oppose it, voting their little hearts out and even getting some "conservative Democrats" to vote with them.
But darnit, their 65 votes just aren't enough to block it! Oh well! Now the treaty is law, and we can all go back to our districts and show them we voted our little hearts out to stop it!
So now Corker is busy writing Act II, where he and his fellow sell-outs express their Strongest Disappointment and Chagrin that this Iran Treaty just isn't very good, and ask Obama, impotently (for they have pre-surrendered all their ability to block it or demand changes), to make it better.
Here, let me piss in your mouth and tell you it's raining lemonade.
You, by the way, were the last straw. This is why I abandoned the GOP.
And anyone who keeps supporting these liars deserves all they get.