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Overnight Open Thread (6-8-2015) »
June 08, 2015
Some Newsbites
Hillary's in DC for an LGBT fundraiser. A Huffington Post writer wink-winked at rumors of Hillary's sexual past--
A very silly feminist, Amanda Marcotte, thinks it was "silly" to bother killing ol' broke-down Osama bin Ladin.
Jeb Bush is out front in New Hampshire, which is now officially a Silly Place, with 21% support in a poll of 487 Republicans. Walker and Rand Paul each have 13%.
Breitbart's Milo Yannopolous reviews Emma Sulkowicz's sex tape.
I can't believe that the "victim" here puts out a sex tape recreation of the so-called rape in which she demonstrates that she preferred rough, rape-like sex ("Hit me harder"), and yet we're still talking as if this was a rape.
Even if things happened as Sulkowicz says they happened -- when "Hit me harder" is part of the sex, how could you ever say that the guy understood that no really meant no with respect to a single not-consented-to sex act?
The Wall Street Journal's Jessica Gavora wants to know where liberals have been on Title IX, before the tool was used to silence liberals.
Cheerleading, is what I imagine the truthful answer to be.
A couple of good columns on Caitlyn Jenner, nee Bruce:
Brendan O'Neill: The Rise of Authoritarian, Religious Transgender Politics.
There is a palpable religiosity to the wild hailing of Bruce/Caitlyn as a modern-day saint, a Virgin Mary with testicles. Within four hours, more than a million people were following Bruce/Caitlyn’s new Twitter account, hanging on her words like the expectant horde waiting for Moses at the foot of Mount Sinai. Her every utterance, all banal celeb-speak, was retweeted tens of thousands of times. Celebs and commentators greeted her as a kind of messiah. ‘We’ve been waiting for you with open arms’, said an overexcited editor at Buzzfeed. Across the Twittersphere Caitlyn was worshipped as a'‘goddess,' a 'goddess in human form', a 'goddess made manifest on Earth'. 'Caitlyn Jenner could fucking stab me right now and leave me for dead and I’d die fucking overjoyed we are not WORTHY OF THIS GODDESS', said one trans tweeter, and she wasn't joking.
In the media, the talk is of how Caitlyn and her iconic likeness might give an adrenalin shot to humanity itself. A writer for the Guardian describes Caitlyn as a 'queen' and instructs us to 'bow down, bitches', telling us her icon on the front of Vanity Fair is 'life-affirming'....
The worship of Caitlyn, and the hectoring of anyone who refuses to scrape before her icon, has graphically exposed the intolerant edge to trans thinking. The insistence that we not only refer to Bruce/Caitlyn as 'she' but also project this backwards -- recognising, in the words of the Guardian, that she has 'always been a woman' -- is borderline Orwellian....
Kyle Smith: An enormous cultural revolution has swept through America, taking it to not just the left, but the far left in many cases.
I think both of these columns may be right: Which makes it a very tricky thing for a conservative to navigate his way through the Brave New World.
Duncan Hunter pressures Kevin McCarthy to hold up on the TPP fast-track vote until the terms of the treaty are, get this, open to the public for reading and consideration.
Apparently we don't do things that way in America anymore -- now all policies will be made behind closed doors by our Political Rulers.
Former Turkey resident Jim Geraghty talks about Erdogan's electoral drubbing in that country, and expects nothing at all to change.
It is interesting, though, that Erdogan lost so much support. The Turkish economy has been doing well; this results in support for his hardline, paranoid Islamist regime, even by people who don't actually like his style of politics. That they've reduced support for him is, maybe, slightly positive.
Oh, and the Jolt talks about the Flynn/LaHood race.
I like to think of the upstart, apple-cart upsetting Flynn bid as less a campaign than a Conspiracy. It's a shout across the bow of those who continue to push Business-as-Usual runny shit even as the world burns and the economy sinks into new fresh hells.
Not Good Enough, I want to scream at these imbeciles. Not good enough by half.
Not even good enough for government work.
As Ray Liotta said in Goodfellas: "Tommy gettin' made was like all of us gettin' made."