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May 26, 2015
Another Much-Hyped Rape Claim Proves False
Or at least there is insufficient evidence to bring charges.
What is more dangerous -- "Rape culture," or "rape culture" culture? That is, the witch-hunting, lunatic sexual paranoia about the existence of a so-called "rape culture"?
The victims of "rape culture" culture are starting to pile up.
A high-profile LAPD raid on Venice High School that made international headlines after 15 male students were arrested on charges of sexual assault has resulted in prosecutors' decision not to prosecute anyone in the case.
The large number of students arrested in mid-March and the high number of law enforcement personnel that descended on the school’s campus and led students away in handcuffs drew widespread attention on the case. But now, over two months later, prosecutors with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office cited "insufficient evidence" as the reason that no charges would be pursued, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Teenaged girls are famously sober and reserved in their judgment.