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April 25, 2015
Who Will Stand? [OregonMuse]
Good article over on First Things about the SJW howling mob and its victims, and who will stand up to it?
Who, indeed?
The lynch mob is now giddy with success and drunk on the misery and pain of its victims. It is urged on by a compliant and even gleeful media. It is reinforced in its sense of righteousness and moral superiority by the "beautiful people" and the intellectual class. It has been joined by the big corporations who perceive their economic interests to be in joining up with the mandarins of cultural power. It owns one political party and has intimidated the leaders of the other into supine and humiliating obeisance.
Obviously, there is no hope that the GOPe will actually do anything like, you know, stand up and publically defend their constituents whose lives and businesses are being destroyed. No, they're never going to do anything like that. So I'm not talking about them. Rather, I'm talking about "good guys" on our side like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul and Scott Walker and Trey Gowdy. Has any of them used whatever bully pulpit they have to denounce the lynchings? Not that I have heard, but maybe I've missed it. I happened to be taking some time off work when the Indiana RFRA was passed and the howling mob swarmed all over Memories Pizza. I thought I was following events pretty closely, and I did not hear one, not one, GOP politician of national stature stand up for the owners of this small business. I was disheartened by this, but again, maybe somebody did speak out and I just missed it.
When things like this happen, I feel like I'm in a 'Mad Max' free-for-all zone now, no mercy, no law, no hope. Or, perhaps, Mad Max combined with a 24/7 Folsom Street Fair.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:36 PM
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