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April 20, 2015
New York City's Hard-Left-Wing, Incompetent Mayor is Plotting a Presidential Bid Against Hillary Clinton
From JWF, another country heard from.
Fred Dicker reports:
Despite repeated claims to the contrary, Mayor Bill de Blasio is positioning himself to be the leftist "progressive" alternative to Wall Street-friendly Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Democratic candidate for president, a national party operative told The Post.
De Blasio’s hope, the operative said, is a "Draft de Blasio" movement will develop among progressive activists over the next several months that will lead to the mayor being able to defeat Clinton in the primary elections next year in much the same way leftist Sen. George McGovern successfully challenged the initially front-running establishment Democratic candidate, Sen. Edmund Muskie, more than 40 years ago.
Sadly, I'm not sure if he's crazy to think America is now prepared to throw in the towel and embrace socialism, and the politics of decadence and decay.