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April 09, 2015
David Corn's a F***ing Idiot, But You Knew This
So this is the dumbest thing I've heard from a Hillary Shill in the past few hours, and I wasn't going to post it, because it's so dumb, it's beneath me, and it's not worth your time.
So David Corn has a big exposee in which he reveals, for example, that Ted Cruz was such a big-time private lawyer that he sometimes got his clients $50 million awards for damages at trial.
And yet, David Corn says, Ted Cruz favors limits on jury awards.
This is so stupid I don't even want to have to say it, but I'll say it anyway: It's almost as if Ted Cruz doesn't think that his political position, which is not the law of the land, though in the future he would like it to be, should not bind his client, who is paying him for the best outcome under the law as currently written, and who may also disagree with Ted Cruz on tort reform.
Not that it would ever even come up as a topic, but if it did, Cruz' client, who he is honor-sworn to represent zealously to the best of his ability per the existing law and not some future hypothetical preferable legal regime, is actually the one ultimately calling the shots in his case, and might say something like, "You know what, Ted Cruz? I don't agree with your beliefs about Tort Reform. I would like the most money possible in this award, no matter what your irrelevant private beliefs might be."
This would never come up, and in fact this is painfully stupid to even discuss as a possible hypothetical, which it is not -- it is not a possible hypothetical, that's how stupid Corn's point is, no one would possibly even think to impose his own private, idiosyncratic beliefs about tort reform on his client -- but that's where we are now.
So look, this is an enormous Pile of Dumb, and I would not bring it up at all, nor waste your time...
Except that @Neonater sent me the below excerpt. You can see there what David Corn's beliefs are as regards the probative value of past legal work, as regards Hillary Clinton.
So, yeah.
Oh, and if we're going to talk about stupid shit, the Democrats, and their harder-left enablers in the press, have decided we're going to have a Binders Full of Women controversy over whether or not Rand Paul is rude to reporters, specifically female ones because Hillary is running and this is therefore a Major Theme of the election (because, Democrats want it to be), so I guess we have to talk about that, too.