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Overnight Open Thread (3-30-2015) »
March 30, 2015
What the Hell Really Happened to Harry Reid?
Reporters are just accepting the claim that he was attacked by an ornery exercise band, huh?
John Hindraker of Powerline wonders about what really might have happened.
When a guy shows up at a Las Vegas emergency room on New Year's Day with severe facial injuries and broken ribs, and gives as an explanation the functional equivalent of "I walked into a doorknob," it isn't hard to guess that he ran afoul of mobsters. Yet the national press has studiously averted its eyes from Reid's condition, and has refused to investigate the cause of his injuries. To my knowledge, every Washington reporter has at least pretended to believe Reid's story, and none, as far as I can tell, has inquired further.
So he was working out late on New Years Eve, huh?
Let's consider what would really happen if someone where hit this badly by an exercise band.
I work out with exercise bands. I am in fact often afraid that they will either snap or, more likely, slip free of where they're anchored, and hit me in the face.
I don't know if this is a real possibility or not. I do know the possibility of a face hit by an exercise band has occurred to me.
But here's why I don't believe it in the case of Harry Reid:
Why isn't he warning people about this being a real possibility?
I'll tell you what, if this happened to me, believe me, I'd be on the blog telling you about it, and warning you to be very careful with these bands. In fact, if an exercise band took my right eye away from me, I'd be telling you to wear goggles at all times when using them.
Actually I think I'd tell you to join a gym -- it's safer.
I also would be telling you who manufactured these particular bands, so that you would be warned about possible slipshod manufacture.
Is Reid doing any of these things? No, of course not. He puts out the lie, then tries to run away from it as soon as possible.
This is why I knew Anthony Weiner was lying about his "Hacked!" claim. If someone gets hacked, this is a very big deal, and very angering, and that person would move heaven and earth to get justice from this very serious violation.
Instead, Weiner just wanted us all to move past it and forget it ever happened.
This is not possible. If someone really were violated, they would demand an investigation and serious consequences for the violators.
Harry Reid's story is that he, a rich man thanks to being part of the lucrative Legislation Industry, had to resort to using a fairly cheap piece of exercise equipment instead of using the more common real gym equipment men of his means could afford. Dumbbells are kind of expensive, but not so expensive that a Legislation Magnate couldn't afford a couple of racks of nice rubber-encased dumbbells.
But no, he's using cheap exercise bands.
And then when one allegedly snaps, or tears free of its anchor point, and robs him of the use of his right eye, he says nothing about it? He doesn't warn people? He doesn't start a Senatorial Investigation into the safety of such equipment?
Why doesn't he tell us what brand of exercise band blinded him in one eye.
Is this because this nasty, pugilistic man has just decided to be mellow about the company that took one of his eyes away from him?
Or is this because there is no exercise band manufacturer to complain about, because there was never any exercise band at all?