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March 27, 2015
Times of Israel: "Deal" to Be "Signed" Tuesday on Iran Nukes; But Iran Gets Rid of Nuclear... Symbols on Its Currency
I don't know who to believe here-- the British Foreign Secretary said not much would be written down, but the Times of Israel is saying something would be signed.
What would be signed? I guess if you just wanted something to sign, you could type up a Statement of Candy and Unicorn Pleasures.
As previously reported, Iran gets to keep enriching uranium at its fortified, subterranean nuclear base at Fordo:
What has been agreed is that Iran will be allowed to continue to operate its secretive underground facility at Fordo, the TV station’s well-connected Middle East analyst Ehud Ya’ari said. Ya’ari, who did not give a source for his information, echoed the widespread Israeli description of the emerging deal as "bad."
Meanwhile, though, there is some great news. Iran just unveiled their new 50,000 rials bank note.
Since 2007, at the previous height of the Iran nuke crisis, Iran has shown off the nuclear symbol (that is, an atom) on this bill, as a gesture of defiance to America.
But they're now taking that symbol off, because, Peaceful Nukes now!!!
Yayyy! We Win!!!