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March 27, 2015
British Foreign Secretary: We'll Have a "Narrative" Coming Out of the Talks; Nothing Will Be Written Down, But That Doesn't Matter
We'll still have our Narrative.
Brits: Iran nuke deal would be vague, unwritten
No specifics, nothing written, perhaps not even anything that Iran and the international negotiating partners say as one--that's the most to expect out of the nuclear talks now running up against the deadline in Switzerland, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said Friday.
But even concluding this round of talks with that level of ambiguity, Hammond said, would count as a significant success. And he thinks they'll get it.
As has been often remarked, diplomats always say their efforts end in success. They are the most self-deceptive imbeciles in the world. No matter how they fail at their stated objectives, they say that whatever happened is a "success."
Just talking is a "success," you know.
"We envisage being able to deliver a narrative. Whether that is written down or not, I don’t think is the crucial issue,”This will be a political statement, or perhaps political statements from the [negotiating partners] and Iran which create enough momentum to make it clear that we've now got this boulder over the hill and we are into the detailed work to produce an agreement."
The "political statement" is that Iran gets its nuke and if Israel interferes they are guilty of war crimes.
The other political statement is that Barack Obama just gave Obamacare to the World.