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March 17, 2015
Ashley Judd: I Demand Legal Action For the "Gender Assaults" I'm Experiencing on Twitter
And Also, Get a Load of My Puffy Face!
She's one of those idiots who won't shut up about her college team. So she baited the team her team was playing by calling them "Dirty Cheaters."
This sort of silly baiting is stuff that eleven-year-olds do. That's fine, enjoy yourselves. It's dumb but whatever.
But part of the game here -- which 11-year-olds understand -- is that if you bait your Rival Fans, they get to Bait You Back.
Well, Ashley Judd doesn't understand this, because Ashely Judd is a low-intellect specimen who can only handle the low-grade political agitation which is Feminism and Social Justice Warrioring.
So, the big thing among SJWs lately is to attack people and then, when they are attacked in turn, cry that they're being "Gender Assaulted" or whatever and therefore are entitled to Grievance Concessions. Interestingly, we rarely see these posts alleged to be "threatening" or "assaulting;" we just see the complaining party's assurance that they were in fact "threatening" or "assaulting."
I objected two weeks ago to Curt Schilling claiming that people who were baiting and trolling about having sex with his daughter -- the same way Yo Momma jokes postulate having sex with one's mother -- constituted "sexual assault" and "Rape threats" and "cyberbullying" his daughter. (None of these tweets were even to his daughter -- they were to Curt Schilling, about his daughter.)
Curt Schilling then sicced the police on people who were saying rude and vulgar things about his daughter, either confusing them for, or deliberately mischaracterizing them as, "rape threats."
People looked at me like I was from Mars when I suggested that we had better get over this habit we have of claiming that speech we don't like has Hidden Criminal Meanings so that we can get some Firings and Arrests. They also thought I was crazy when I said Schilling was using all the techniques of the SJWs.
Anyway, Ashley Judd is now doing the same thing. Some of the Rival Fans baited her, and I'm sure they called her a "c***" and the like, but for some reason she believes this entitles her to some Police Action.
So this is the Big Move the SJWs have perfected in GameGate: You take a statement which is plainly not threatening, but you claim that it's a "threat," then you get sympathy and retweents and all sorts of White Knighting.
Some guy made this joke:
That's somewhat amusing. It's not hugely funny, but it's a decent joke.
Ashley Judd retweets it as if she thinks it's a Death Threat:
Since I did not see her retweet any other tweets mentioning death, I assume this is the tweet she is claiming constitutes the "death threats" against her.
This is what they do. They do this every single day in #Gamergate.
Enough of these Ugly Lies. Those trolls did not make "Rape Threats" against Curt Schilling's daughter, and Ashley Judd did not, as far as I can tell, get "Death Threats." (I assume she got some "Gender Assaults," whatever the fuck they are.)
This stupid game was created by imbeciles and emotional basket-cases and consists of straight-up lying about what was and what was not said to you in order to get attention and sympathy and RT's and Punishment of people who have insulted you -- and that's all I see going on here, insults and Disrespect of people who take themselves far too seriously.
And it's time to tell the Basket Cases and Drama Queens that we're not letting them play their Borderline Personality Disorder splitting games any more.