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March 11, 2015
Something Something Traitor Or Whatever
I'm not covering this story because I think it's absurd, but I realize "absurd" is what most "news" is these days, so here is a link to Democrats calling Tom Cotton, Iraq War Veteran, a traitor.
I have one minor thing to add here. This is the demagogic technique of the Obama Presidency. He's been doing this all along, and others have noted it (particularly with his race-baiting).
But just to note it, once again, here is what the Demagogue Obama does when he wants to make a demagogic attack, but he wants to wear the Mask of Mr. Above the Fray:
Obama puts out an Attack Command. This attack command is the Weak Form of the actual attack he wants made. He wanted GOPers to be called traitors; he didn't quite say that.
He merely hinted the living shit out of it. He said of the GOPers signing Tom Cotton's letter to Iran that some in our country "make common cause with the hardliners in Iran."
"Common cause" means "make an alliance with." So he's accusing the GOP of making an alliance with the terrorist theocrats of Iran.
Note that this Bruised Pussy of a man was just whining three weeks ago that Giuliani doubted his "love of country."
Now that Obama has laid out the Parameters of the Attack, all of his Lesser Minions and Media Agents begin repeating the attack, but this time they make explicit what Obama (dishonestly) hid as implicit: Now they expressly call Tom Cotton a "traitor."
So Obama lays out the structure, the skeleton, the shape of the demagogic attack, and his toadies, let us say, add "fullness" to it, texture. They put the sails to Obama's mast and jib.
See, Tom Cotton, who fought for our country, is a "traitor," and Barack Obama, who has as many passports as a Miami Vice money launderer, dearly loves his country, whichever one that might be.
I'm just kidding about that but you know what? Fuck this demagogic fascist.
So that's the technique, that's the play. Saint Barack says something that strongly hints at That Thing He Really Wants to Say, and his toadies and throne-sniffers and courtiers of the permanent court of the NYC-DC Media push it up to the Strong Form (which Obama really wanted to say) and repeat it endlessly, to curry favor with the King.
Right, so it's a crime to say that Obama doesn't love his country -- spoiler alert: he hates it -- but it's Just True to say that Tom Cotton, Iraq War Veteran, is a traitor and in secret league with the mullahs of Iran.