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March 11, 2015

OMG: YA Author Explains Why He Has Few Female Characters In His Books, Says the Most Sexist Thing Possible

I don't know who this guy is, but apparently his Progressive Papers are in good order; here's the headline of the Vice interview with him:

The Failure of Male Societies: Author Andrew Smith Tackles Monsters and Sex

So you know he thinks boys are icky, too.

So what could he have possibly have done to have drawn the (itchy trigger finger) wrath of our (always reasonable, and dulcet as May rain) online feminist piranhas, so much so that he quit Twitter rather than put up with it any further?

Well, believe me, it was just terrible.

Prepare yourself: This is the statement that provoked the feminists into yet another Shame-Rage Cyclone.

Seriously, sit down. This is tough stuff.

Q: On the flip side, it sometimes seems like there isn’t much of a way into your books for female readers. Where are all the women in your work?

A: I was raised in a family with four boys, and I absolutely did not know anything about girls at all. I have a daughter now; she's 17. When she was born, that was the first girl I ever had in my life. I consider myself completely ignorant to all things woman and female. I’m trying to be better though.

Now what you're probably thinking is "That asshole ace, he copied and pasted the wrong quote; that quote is obviously not offensive."


Now, here's the rotten thing. Here's the stupid thing. (Stupidity and rottenness and close cousins.)

Having attacked the shit out of this guy for no reason, and having driven him out of the public square, feminists are now themselves being attacked for being so militantly, insanely, nastily doctrinaire about lunacies.

And so they are now getting their measure of Internet hectoring.

And they don't like that one bit.

I saw one person try to claim that feminists didn't hector and bully Smith by tweeting, "Shall we revisit the difference between criticism and bullying?"

And yet she herself is now complaining of the "bullying" that Smith's "critics" are now facing.

So yes dear-heart, let us revisit the difference in your stupid Hate-Robot mind between "criticism" and "bullying:" "Criticism" is what you do to others, but "bullying" is what others do to you.

Is that pretty much it, Princess?

Sorry Ladies, if you want to be taken seriously as thinkers, it's time you started showing the chops of a serious thinker. And this constant "One rule for me because I'm special and another rule for you because you Suck and you're Boy!!!" nonsense is not adult thinking.

It is the thinking of a spoiled, rotten stupid child.

Do you really think that you are the only ones permitted this ugly, nasty third-grade-girls game of choose the Butt and circle around him and spit venom and humiliation at him?

Why? When you are constantly spitting accusations, hatred, and venom at the world, why do you imagine it's somehow out-of-bounds for another group of poisonous children to circle around you and make you the object of their collective coordinated Group Shaming?

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

If you're gonna be a Twitter Gladiator Thug, you don't get to cry and say "But I'm a girl!!!" when someone hits you back.

The Pushback... was not exactly vicious, though this guy used the word "bully," and I assume this is what caused the Special Snowflake so much psychic tumult.

digg this
posted by Ace at 05:00 PM

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