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March 08, 2015
Footsteps of the Ewok - A Journey of Discovery [Weirddave]
I mentioned yesterday that I spent the day in New York City. I decided to have lunch at a little place in the East Village called Sunny and Annie's. I was curious to try their pho sandwich. Guess what? It really does taste like pho. Sitting in Tompkins Square Park, munching on a soup sandwich, I couldn't decide where to go next. Finally deciding on midtown, I walked over and caught the L to 8th Ave. As I exited train and came into the station, what to my wondering eyes should appear but this:

"Huh" I thought. That makes sense, since Ace is the greatest living New Yorker, it's logical that the city would feature his presence. I also kind of wanted to meet Ace, since he's nice enough to let me play at his blog on weekends, so I followed the sign. Soon I saw another:

OK, exit. Now we're getting somewhere. I wonder what I'll find? Maybe a guided tour of stately Ace Manor? Or would it be more along the lines of an Ace-itat? A wall of glass, mirrored on the other side but transparent to us, so we could watch the great man as he prowls around the bones of long forgotten hobos, madly kicking empty bottles of Val-U-Rite vodka, muttering to himself perhaps? I journeyed on.

As I walked through the station, I realized that I wasn't the first to make the journey. How foolish I'd been to believe such a thing! Of course New York wouldn't erect signs solely for my benefit. I saw that some of those who had previously made this pilgrimage had erected shrines commemorating their hajj. These shrines took the form of little stylized ewoks, engaged in various daily tasks undertaken by Ace, like reading AoSHQ,
or collecting the prodigious revenue the number one conservative blog in America generates.

There was even an homage to Ace's award winning political blogging.

I was starting to get a little weary. I pondered what part of this city Ace would chose to reside in. Hobnobbing with the swells on the Upper West Side? Down with the money in the Financial District, or would the bohemian lifestyle of the village appeal fit better? Uptown, downtown, crosstown or maybe in an outer borough? Suddenly my senses were assaulted with a cacophony of signs! It seemed that Ace resided everywhere!
And then it hit me. Ace truly is bigger than one man. He's bigger than an entire city full of people. Ace is omnipresent and omnipotent. Her perches like The Little Prince on an electron and spans the universe. In the end, Ace is all of us.
Open thread

posted by Open Blogger at
07:31 PM
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