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March 04, 2015
#RacistDOJ: "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Was a Lie From the Start; "Gentle Giant" Likely Punched Wilson and Went for His Gun
Cleared of all possible civil rights violations charges.
The Justice Department has cleared a Ferguson, Mo., police officer of civil rights violations in the shooting of Michael Brown, a black teenager whose death set off racially charged and sometimes violent protests last year.
But federal agents and civil rights prosecutors rejected that story, just as a state grand jury did in November. The Justice Department said forensic evidence and other witnesses backed up the account of Officer Wilson, who said Mr. Brown fought with him, reached for his gun, then charged at him. He told investigators that he feared for his life.
"There is no evidence upon which prosecutors can rely to disprove Wilson’s stated subjective belief that he feared for his safety," the report said.
The report found that witnesses who claimed that Mr. Brown was surrendering were not credible. "Some of those accounts are inaccurate because they are inconsistent with the physical and forensic evidence; some of those accounts are materially inconsistent with that witnesses’ own prior statements with no explanation," it said.
"Although some witnesses state that Brown held his hands up at shoulder level with his palms facing outward for a brief moment, these same witnesses describe Brown then dropping his hands and 'charging' at Wilson," it added.
"Those witness accounts stating that Brown never moved back toward Wilson could not be relied upon in a prosecution because their accounts cannot be reconciled with the DNA bloodstain evidence and other credible witness accounts."
Now note that they are releasing this information today -- but yesterday they put out "cover" for this finding by declaring the entire city of Ferguson to be racist, thus almost guaranteeing some new riots over what has been found to be, yes, a complete lie from the start.
Oh my goodnesss. Look, no offense intended, but civil servants -- almost all Democrats, by the by -- are not exactly the pinnacle of refinement and education. So what we have here are some not-super-refined people spreading a handful of racist joke emails, privately, over the course of a decade.
What am I expected to do with this information?
Well, riot, I guess.
And Holder and Obama do want those riots, because any riots empower Obama and Holder, and give the rioters an outlet for their rage (and thus will not hold it against Obama and Holder that they're not prosecuting Wilson).
This crew is actually willing to sacrifice some mid-sized cities rather than take a small PR hit.