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December 23, 2014
Feminists Neurotics Invent Another Thing That Doesn't Exist to Rant Hysterically About
The New York Times ran an article on "manspreading" -- the "rude" habit of men to sit with legs spread on a subway seat, taking up two or, it is claimed, even three subway seats.
Milo Yiannopolous says that this is the stink of feminism's corpse decomposing.
After the numerous and well-publicised feminist fiascoes of 2014, it has become clear to all but the most ideologically determined observers that the intersectional third-wave harpies who so dominate in the American and British media and to whom obeisance has been paid for many years have nothing left to fight for and no arguments left to win.
Witness the absurd, offensive, ludicrous spectacle of inanity and stupidity currently surrounding the New York subway: a campaign to stop men sitting comfortably on public transport. We “manspread,” apparently, which observers have interpreted as "sit in such a way as not to painfully crush the testicles or penis" but which feminists insist is an expression of patriarchal authority. You could not, as British newspaper columnists like to say, make this shit up.
One heroic social justice warrior took to the subway for a whole weekend, sitting as she imagines men do on the way to work. I have never seen a man sit quite as absurdly as she suggests.... I never saw such a comically absurd picture as this brave social justice warrior paints.
The manspreading complaint is couched as a response to “rudeness” by men, but it is no such thing: it is pathetic feminist pipsqueakery, the last dying gasp of a movement with nothing to win and nothing to say, determined to abuse and antagonise the male sex at all costs and for whatever perceived or outright imaginary infraction it can conjure from the vicissitudes of everyday life. It is offensively trivial, and those associated with it ought to be ashamed.
You know where I heard of this?
Turns out Valerie Plame is a pretty fierce Social Justice Warrior herself.
Funny, the media didn't share that with me when it told me here entire biography six thousand times.
Okay... I'm 99% sure the below is parody, but given the propensity for feminism to churn out absurdities, who can be sure anymore?
Either way, I can't not get your reactions to this.
If this is a hoax, it's a well-supported one. "Ashleigh Ingle" does seem to be a feminist and does seem to exist, and a lot of sites discuss her claims of "fart rape."
That doesn't make this real -- but it does make it an issue in need of a National Conversation about.