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December 13, 2014
Early Morning Thread, 12/13/14 - Rocking Kiev edition [krakatoa]
I'm not going to lie. This past week pretty well sucked.
Between the Social Justice escalating War on Truth taking on a frighteningly open fascist tone; Boehner selling us all up the river in a gutless display of giving Obama pretty damn near everything he wants, (seriously -- would anyone be surprised to have a hot-mic incident with Boehner on the phone to Obama telling him he'll have more latitude "after the elections"?); and my job in Chicago going sideways requiring me to yes, still be working on it as I type all this up at 3 a.m., my week has been less than stellar.
But we'll always have Kiev.
Thanks to comments in the past couple days by AtC with an assist from someone else I don't recall for the inspiration of the above spoof.
posted by Open Blogger at
06:49 AM
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