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December 04, 2014
Republican Party Passes Meaningless Bill Designed to Trick Stupid Americans in Gruber-Like Fashion
I'm tired of the Grubering, particularly from my own alleged side.
The Yoho bill is not designed to block Obama's use of federal monies to carry out his unlawful amnesty. The Yoho bill is designed to dupe Republicans into thinking Boehner has attempted to block Obama's use of federal monies to carry out his unlawful amnesty.
It is designed to trick the Stupid American Voter.
As usual.
This has court implications as well. Boehner supposedly will sue the Administration over its power-grabs. However, Congress has the power itself to delimit executive overrreach -- through its power of the purse, of course.
The Supreme Court may very well decline to hear any kind of challenge to Obama's executive overreach on the theory that Congress has in fact implicitly blessed -- constructively "passed" -- Obama's executive laws by its tacit acceptance of them.
If Boehner really wants to prevail in his lawsuit, he has to show that Congress is in fact using all of its own power to block Obama's executive overreach, and this power is yet insufficient, thus necessitating the entry of the third co-equal branch into the dispute.
But Boehner is not doing that. Boehner is in fact showing he'll do absolutely nothing at all to stop Obama.
Given that, the Supreme Court will naturally take the position that they are not being called into a bona fide constitutional dispute, but rather a faked-up political con, and thus have no real justification for ruling on the matter.
Boehner can fool a few low-information conservatives but he can't fool Scalia and Thomas.