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November 30, 2014
Gaming Thread 11/30/2014
I just realized it's Sunday. The week has been a blur.
There really isn't anything news wise that's come out but there are some new releases this week to notice.
Hey Wii U owners, someone answered your call for more third party games
So what did you guys get, gaming wise during Black Friday?
The Crew (PC, PS4, PS3, XBO and 360) - The massive map racing game is finally coming out after a few delays. Umm, at least from the betas and alphas, it could have been cancelled and no one would have noticed or cared as the game is some bargain bin material. The map is lifeless and feels hallow, the actual physics are a bit crap even as a racing game. Should be interesting in seeing how the release goes.
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix (PS3) - The final collection is finally coming out. It contains 2, Birth By Sleep and Re:Coded which only leaves one game that isn't getting collected into the collections which is Dream Drop Distance which is on the 3DS. I've actually been interested in playing all the games back to back in the hopes that the story will actually make sense but think it would be a fight with futility. Final Fantasy XIII has nothing on the Kingdom Hearts series in the realm of bad writing.
Game of Thrones (PC, PS4, PS3, XBO and 360) - Telltale finally releases the first episode. I'm curious in how they're tackling this as well, they've never done anything adult like this before. Are they gonna show porn? It's gonna be 6 episodes so expect the final one to be released sometime in 2017.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U) - On one hand, this is a horrible time to release a puzzle platformer as it's going to get lost in the shuffle but there really hasn't been much released the last few months of stuff you could actually play around kids that is actually worth your time (Fantasia and Little Big Planet 3 is what you get). As for the game it's self, it looks cool though to me, it seems like something that would be better off on mobile. But if you're a Wii U owner, you kinda take what you can get.
Stuff I played this week
With Thanksgiving, only things I got to play were Football Manager 15 on my iPad during cooking down time. Eh, you know how everyone stereotypes Madden as just a roster update? Yeah....this is what it actually entails. Still a cool game though.
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posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
03:15 PM
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