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November 23, 2014
Early Morning Thread 11/23/14: Something Borrowed, Something Blue edition [krakatoa]
Happy Sunday, gentle morons.
UPDATE: EMT now fortified with 50% more working links.
We'll get back to this:

Parents of Pro Hockey Defenseman Jack Johnson have borrowed their way into strong consideration for Worst Parents of the Year. Johnson was forced to file for bankruptcy after his loving folks borrowed 15 million dollars against his future earnings from "nonconventional" lenders. My folks were bad with money, but I like to think that if I'd hit on some real income, they'd have had better judgement than to go to a guy named Nicky "Kneecaps" Graziani for a payday loan.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang did it in two dimensions. Or at least his artists did. Han Purple (the color at the top of the post) has some really fascinating traits under 4 degrees Kelvin.
Hope the rest of your day is better than Jack's and warmer than a terracotta warrior in a science lab.

posted by Open Blogger at
06:47 AM
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