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November 02, 2014
Gun Thread - Maintiens le droit Edition
A guest gun thread by @weirddave0
Gun of the Week
Clue: See DGUOTW
Defensive Gun Use of the Week

Those who "abjure" violence can only do so because others are committing violence on their behalf. George Orwell-Notes on Nationalism
Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers' actions in Ottawa Wednesday were heroic by any definition of the word, although I doubt he'd agree with me. He had a job to do and he did it. End of story. Our freedoms rest upon the shoulders of such men, may they always be present.
Ace of Spades HQ would like to extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo and to the nation of Canada. "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." Je me souviens*.
Gunhinged, Part I
Of course, the echo of the shots in Ottawa hadn't faded before gun grabbers were using it to call for more gun control.
Less Than An Hour Into Shooting Coverage, MSNBC Talking About Gun Control
Notice that the "expert" consulted is concerned about how people like the jihadi swine who killed Cpl Cirillo get their hands on "double barrel rifles". Idiot.
Gunhinged, Part II
One Man's "Outing"
Concealed carry permit holder Matthew Hallek is a father of two daughters in Harriet Bishop Elementary School. He (legally) carries his gun with him when he walks them to school each morning. After discovering this, fellow parent Kimberly Edson took it upon herself to post signs in her yard, which happens to be across from the school, bearing a picture of Matthew with a caption that reads "THIS MAN CARRIES A LOADED GUN AROUND YOUR CHILDREN EVERY DAY".
I think Mr. Hallek should post a large sign, with a picture of moonbat's house and the text "The people at 123 Main Street (whatever the address is) posses no weapons". Just to, you know, inform the community at large what kind of people live there.
GOTW Answer
That is a Smith and Wesson 5946, same as the gun that Sergeant-at-Arms Vickers used to put down the man who killed Cpl. Cirillo. I propose that S&W change it's designation from 5946 to "JihadiBane".
The Law of Self Defense, the how-to manual for gun ownership.
*I do realize that Cpl. Cirillo was from Ontario, not Quebec. I will still remember his sacrifice.
Today's gun thread brought to you by gun fails. There's a reason you need to learn how to handle a gun BEFORE you fire one. Twitter spew and tips to @weirddave0.