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September 18, 2014
For Some Reason, GOP Favorability Improving Greatly; Now Tied with Democrats on Unfavorables
At Hot Air.
I'm really not sure what we're doing right here. I suppose it's just that the Democrat Party is being discredited by events.

Meanwhile, new Quinippiac polls put Jodi Ernst ahead of Bruce Braley in Iowa, 50-44, and show Cory Gardner surging to an eight point lead over incumbent Mark Udall in Colorado, 48-40.
From Rothman's post:
This is the second poll released in the last 24-hours to show the race for U.S. Senate in Colorado is a competitive one. A USA Today/Suffolk survey released yesterday showed Gardner leading Udall by 43 to 42 percent. While this is a statistical tie, it is also a marked shift from the first half of September when a series of public polls showed Udall beating Gardner by healthy margins.
Events, dear boy. Events.