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Early Morning Open Thread - [Niedermeyer's Dead Horse] »
August 16, 2014
Overnight Open Thread (16 Aug 2014)
It's a very holy day for morons as it is National Rum Day. Double rations are authorized.
Lots 'o info on rum here.
7 Things That Almost Everyone Steals
I'm not sure some of the things on the list are really "stolen". Maybe misappropriated or something. 7 little things that almost everyone steals.
Cash For Clunkers
Well duh! Cash for clunkers an even bigger failure than first thought. My future study prediction headline. Obamacare a bigger failure than first though.
Helicopter Waltz At A Rodeo
War On Gingers
Redhead sent home from school for 'disruptive' hair.
Coat Hangar Bow & Arrow
Bluetooth Name Origin
I always wondered why they called it Bluetooth. The Bluetooth Standard is named after a 10th century Scandinavian King.
Inflight Caturday
For British Airways passengers, everyday is Caturday.
Cat Video
Bonus video of Mulder balancing as well.
Tonight's ONT brought to you by:

h/t krak
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