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Overnight Open Thread (8-13-2014) »
August 13, 2014
Coulter: Vote for Our "Crappy-Ass" Republicans Because The Future of the Country Depends on It;
AndrewWK Talks About the Politics of Party with Glen Beck
Turns out I lied in that last post when I said I'd write another post.
Looks like I'm just putting up video comment-fodder.
Coulter and Hannity debate conservatives' predicament in their two-front war.
AndrewWK talks about trying to see all sides of an issue, and how that is helpful in seeing the humanity in someone you're arguing with.
Interestingly, he spends a lot of time noting that you if you accept, for example, that something is lost in abortion, or, something violent happens in an execution, you understand, a little better, people who are against such things, whereas, were you to refuse to admit these things, the issue becomes easier and cleaner -- and then you can just assume anyone opposed to you is a maniac or monster.
I say this is interesting because the examples he uses are the toughest examples he could have come up with.
Oh, and the Free Beacon is punching down by making all sorts of fun of the confused and disoriented Maureen Dowd.
Oh, and I've been very slow to note: the great Lauren Bacall has passed, one of the last truly big stars of the 40s era.