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August 10, 2014
Wize From Yo Gwave (Gaming thread)
This may be the week of Gamescon but who cares because two phoenixes are coming back baby. Activision is relaunching Sierra this week and some people from SSI are basically relaunching under the title TSI (Tactical Simulation Interaction) with an eye to get back to making Gold Box style RPGs. Now, both of these ventures could end up sucking but odds should be that one of these does alright. Though the smart money is on Activision, I'm hoping for the latter.
this is a really short post as I didn't even notice that it's Sunday (been one of those weeks with work)
Really, the only things we know for sure is that Quantum Break finally gets it's public closeup with a demo and Bloodborn is getting a public demo with kiosks. Other than that, there isn't much else known.
Of stuff I wouldn't be surprised in seeing is stuff like a teaser for the upcoming quasi fantasy RPG that Guerrilla Games is working on. Also wouldn't be surprised if Sony were to also announce a "remastered" edition of Gran Turismo 6. The game bombed massively and they need to be making those dev costs back. Would not be shocked to see Media Molecule's upcoming thing and this is the perfect con to show off that Shadow of the Beast remake they announced last year.
As for Microsoft, eh, maybe we see what London Lift and LXP have been working on? And considering in how many photos of Wildfire in people's My Games tab have been circulating, I wouldn't be surprised if the Microsoft Foundry game wasn't fully announced. Maybe we get something about that Eden Falls game or a new game from Rare.
I dunno, I'm not really expecting much from this, Gamescon tends to mostly be the B & C tier studios standing on stage with some indies mixed through out.
Main thing I'm looking forward are new wheels from Fanatec.
King of Dragon Pass (PC, iOS & Android) - Ever wonder how it would be to mash Civ and CYOA books together set in the world of Glorantha (RuneQuest and HeroQuest)? This is it. And frankly, if you don't an iPad (it's universal but you really don't want to play it on the iPhone) and haven't played the PC release, this, this is the must buy of the week. They're finally releasing the iOS port to Android which was an upgraded port (it flows better than the original PC release). It should be priced like the iOS game so expect to drop $10 (with a once a year sale of it being $8) Don't know what else to say other than if you like games, you owe it to yourself to play this. Also FOR LOVE THAT IS ALL HOLY, BEWARE OF THE DUCKS!!
Akiba's Trip (PS3, PS4, Vita) - It's Benny Hill: The Game. You run around Akihabara and strip females (and men) to their bar and panties and then pummel them as they're secret vampires. It's $40 and it should be a lot of fun. The PS4 release date is sometime this fall.
Hohokum (PS, PS4 & Vita) - It's this, what ever it is
Risen 3: Titan Lords (PC, PS3 & 360) - Can't say I've ever been a big fan of Piranha Bytes outside of the first two Gothic games but they keep plugging away with their Eurojank filled cRPGs. Maybe this will be their first game that feels like it has a soul
That's it, thankfully it's a new week that doesn't suck.
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posted by Gang of Gaming Morons! at
04:00 PM
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