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August 02, 2014
Fresh Scroll-Friendly Thread: Asleep At The Wheel [Y-not]
The Gardening Thread is getting a bit cumbersome, so here's a fresh thread for you all.
Via Cracked, here's a list of craaaazy stuff that people have done while sleep-walking, including this gem:
On a frigid Denver night in 2003, a quiet and unassuming nurse took an Ambien and went to bed. And then, shit got real.
While still asleep, she got up, slugged down half a bottle of wine and got into her car only wearing a nightshirt in 20 degree weather. Drunken, sleep driving nurses are hardcore.
And, speaking of sleeping at the wheel, here's a song:
Mr Y-not just told me there are two other versions of this song. The NYC version is "I saw miles and miles of taxis" and the Massachusetts one is "Miles and miles of taxes."
Open thread.

posted by Open Blogger at
01:10 PM
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