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Overnight Open Thread (7-29-2014) »
July 29, 2014
Horrible News Presented in The Chill Groove (TM) Format
Shock: Democrats absolutely insist that the price for doing anything about a crisis-in-progress on the border will be some form of Comprehensive Amnesty to satisfy their Open Borders donors.
By the way, illegals insist on being included, and by included I mean physically present, during White House negotiations on amnesty.
Oh, and there are reports that Obama intends to issue millions of work permits to illegals on his own authority.

And while millions of people spore across our southern border from parts unknown, there's an extremely serious outbreak of Ebola killing people in Africa.
An Ebola victim who was allowed to board an international flight was an American citizen on his way home to the United States, it has emerged.
Patrick Sawyer worked for the Liberian government and was visiting his sister there when he developed symptoms while on a plane to Nigeria. He was quarantined on arrival in Lagos and died on Friday.
His wife, Decontee, 34, who like Mr Sawyer is originally from Liberia, currently at the heart of the terrifying Ebola outbreak, said he had been due to travel on to America where he could have become Patient Zero in a US epidemic.
Fellow passengers on his plane were given warnings about the disease’s symptoms, which can include bleeding from the nose and mouth, but were allowed to continue on their journeys.
As Ebola has an incubation period of up to 21 days, there are fears that some may even now be spreading the disease still further.
This outbreak is the most serious ever.
The outbreak is the largest and deadliest on record, with more than 670 deaths and more than 1,200 infections in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fatality rates for Ebola have been as high as 90% in past outbreaks, according to the World Health Organization.
Oh, and in that article, a second American has been found to have Ebola.
One scientist claims this:
"No Ebola cases have been reported in the United States and the likelihood of this outbreak spreading outside of West Africa is very low," says Monroe, who says that the CDC has sent 12 experts to Africa to help with the crisis. "While it's possible that someone could become infected with Ebola in Africa" before boarding a plane to the USA, "it's very unlikely that they would spread it to other passengers."
What if they're deliberately trying to spread it? This is the most fantastically cheap and easy terrorist weapon I can think of.
On the plus side, this is going to make my next game of Pandemic much more meaningful.
And finally, conspiracy-addled asshole Jesse Ventura wins $1.8 million in his defamation suit against slain SEAL sniper Chris Kyle -- or rather against his widow.

Thanks to @doreenhdixon, @coolczech, and @cuteemergency and probably @emergencypuppy.